No one likes it when a spam bot extracts their email address from a web page. This little snippet of PHP will solve the problem for you. That is, at least until the spam bot get smarter than they are now. View the page source to see the output of the code: Email Me!

The code:
The Function:


function safeAddress($emailAddress, $theText, $theTitle) {

    $ent = "";
    $userName = "";
    $domainName = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($emailAddress); $i++) {
        $c = substr($emailAddress, $i, 1);
        if ($c == "@") {
            $userName = $ent;
            $ent = "";
            } else {
            $ent .= "&#" . ord($c) . ";";

    $domainName = $ent;
    return '<a href="mailto:' . $userName . '@' . $domainName . '" title="' . $theTitle . '">' . $theText . '</a>';



<?php echo safeAddress("", "Link Text", "Link Title"); ?>